第5期 リコー杯女流王座戦 海外招待選手選抜大会
The 5th Ricoh Cup Women's "Ouza" Shogi
Championship Tournament,
Players' Online Preliminary

[Place] 81Dojo EARTH server
[Dates] 1st Round: February 28 ~ March 8, Finals: March 22
Lu Na
| ● - ◯ KIFU
| Huang Shengjia
1st Round Results
League #1 Results
League #2 Results
Country's Points
74 points | China (Shanghai Xu Jiandong Shogi Club)
59 points | Belarus (Belarussian Shogi Association)
48 points | Brazil (Brazilian Shogi Association)
44 points | France (France Shogi Federation)
29 points | Spain (Shogi no Kokoro)
25 points | Russia (NP Shogi)
23 points | Chile
19 points | Ukraine
16 points | Canada (Vancouver Shogi Club)
(2 points are added for each League#2 player.)
Tournament Regulations
- For basic regulations, please see the separate document provided at the time of the registration. (English, Japanese)
Further points of the regulations are described below.
- All games must be played in a special game room for the tournament. (Otherwise the game will not count.) The procedure for creating the game is as follows.
- Push "Wait for game" button in the lobby and open the rule setting window.
- Select "Official Tournament", and you will be asked to input a special password. This password will be given to the participants shortly before the tournament period starts.
- When the password is entered, a select box for tounament names will appear. Select "Ricoh-Cup" and finalize the setting. Then the opponent can challenge you, after which the game will start in the special game room.
These YouTube videos (English, Japanese) by 81Dojo explains this procedure with an example of selecting another tournament.
- If the opponent is late for your game due to her previous game, you are not allowed to declare win-by-default. Please wait for her previous game to finish, as well as kindly giving her time to take a short break to relax.
info@81dojo.com / Executive Office of the Women's Ouza Online Preliminary