Title Holder: GREENMOVERMAX5100
What is Aeon Saint Tournament
- Aeon Saint Tournament (i in Japanese Kanji) is the third major title of 81-Square Universe Championships.
- Aeon means a very long period of time but not specific (it can
reach 500 million years) or some times express infinity. This name
reflects the theme of the tournament as the games will be long timed
and calm.
- The winner will own and be named after the title "Aeon Saint". Kanji expression of the title name "i" means "Eternal Saint".
- Any player can join.
- The tournament is run with a "World Cup System".
- Preliminary
groups with 4 players each will be radomly made in which all players
will play against each other. The players who are ranked 1st and 2nd
will be qualified to continue to the finals.
- The
remaining/qualified players will form a mini single-elimination
tournament finals. The winner of a group will be play with the player who was ranked 2nd of another group.
- Each game must be played at 81Dojo, 45min + 60sec, Rated.
- The winner of the finals challenges the defending title holder. The title match will be held as a 3-game match.
- Each
player in the group will be initially ranked according to his/her
81dojo account. In case of a 3-player tie the highest ranked will be