Title Holder:
What is Dark Matter Tournament
- Dark Matter Tournament is a tounament for "Blind
Shogi". Players play without being able to see the pieces on the board.
- Kanji expression of the title name is "", which means
"General of Darkness".
- All games will be played with "Blind, Extreme" piece
set. 5 minutes + 30 seconds, rated. (Before playing the game, please
set "notify blind piece usage to others" checkbox to ON in
OptionWindow. You have to check this each time you login. If your
opponent doesn't notify the piece usage, please ask the opponent to
immediately set this option ON.)
- Tournament system is a round-robin league.
- Try to find as many opponent in the match table as possible during the tournament period. For
the games that haven't been played till the last day, the result will
be a win-by-default for the player who has played much more games than
the other. (If the numbers are close, a draw or a
"both-loss-by-default" will be given. The criteria for these decisions
will be fixed after the number of participants is known.)
- Before the 1st move is played, both players must set the
piece design to "Blind Extreme", and must never change to other piece
design during the game.
- Player may see the Kifu to know the moves.
- Player may get some hint of the position by clicking on
squares to see if it highlights or not, etc.
- Other means such as reproducing the position with actual
board, other shogi software, etc. and watching the game from another
account, are considered as cheating.
- The game result will be automatically updated on the match table.
Therefore, the game has to be played in the special game room. If you
play 2 games with the same opponent, the newest result will be taken.