81道场 使用规则
最后更新 2015年2月14日
1. 用户申请
1.1. 请输入正确的注册信息。
- 请使用正确的Email地址。
- 未完成Email认证用户无法登录进入道场。
- 忘记注册用户名以及密码时,欲找回需要通过注册邮箱联络。
- 活动以及宣传活动等享受优惠时,如果注册邮箱联络不上,不能确认是否本人,不予发放。
- 请填写国名或者出生国家·或者居住国家。禁止填写假国名。
1.2. 禁止下述用户名。
- 含有违反社会规范·公共秩序以及社会风气的语言。
- 含有另其他用户不快的,包含政治·宗教·文化的主张
- 令人误解为公共账号以及其他特殊用户的名称
- 毫无意义的文字的罗列
1.3. 允许申请·使用多个用户名。但是,请不要超过5个。禁止胡乱申请不必要的用户名之行为。
2. 聊天·对局礼仪
2.1. 禁止下述聊天行为。
- 违反社会规范·公共秩序社会风俗的内容
- 对他人说粗话以及诽谤中伤
- 粗暴的聊天,执拗的挑战等给别人添麻烦、让他人讨厌的行为
- 在主页面进行争吵、对其他用户的批评、以及妄自尊大的言行等给周围添麻烦的内容
2.2. 在对局礼仪方面,禁止下述事项。(详细了解本道场的对局礼仪者,请点击《关于对局礼仪》进行确认。)
- 对局过程中,不管是否给对方造成困扰,重复说无关内容
- 如上述链接“关于对局礼仪”中所列举,与将棋的内容无关的,恶意棋步。
- 推盘认输棋局时的故意的犯规输棋·用尽时间·断网
2.3. 为实现愉快对局,或者棋艺增强,建议在81道场对局前后互相打招呼,并进行感想战。并非义务。请不要指责没有进行此行为的用户。
3. 不正当对局等
3.1. 对局过程中,禁止以下不正当对局。
- 一人操作双方对局者,或者二人合作,故意进行成绩以及记录的作假行为
- 在关系到成绩和记录的对局过程中,进行指示规则以外的不规则棋步
- 故意选择与自身实力差异很大的级别,造成道场级别系统的混乱
- 将用户名借给他人进行对局(官方团体用户名等特殊情况除外)
- 借助将棋软件等思考装置的力量进行对局(然而,下一项情况除外)
3.2. 使用思考软件进行对局者,请注册专用账号。用户名请设为“COM_(任意文字列)”
4. 不正规登录、业务妨碍
4.1. 严格禁止通过81道场提供的正规应用意外的途径进入道场服务器。被发现通过不正当途径尝试登录时,将予以严格的法律处理。
4.2. 故意向81道场传达,或者向其他方散布虚假信息,妨碍本道场的运营,损毁本道场的相关团体的信用·名誉时,将予以严肃处理。
5. 棋谱·对局公开的权利
5.1. 81道场所下的所有对局的棋谱·棋序,因为是在公共场合产生的事实上的没有创造性的记录,对局者不享有著作权以及其他权利。
5.2. 81道场的对局,所有用户均可自由观战(私人对局室除外),另外本网页以及本网页的所有用户均可以自由的检索·阅览·使用其棋谱。(※对象为棋谱(棋步、使用时间、对局结果)·对局时间·对局者名·对局时的级别·登录国家名)
5.3. 公开81道场所下对局的场面和棋谱时,请遵守下述规则。
- 在公开物中,不得贬低·诽谤中伤对局者
例) ○ “对方的▲○○○这步棋下的不好,我得以获胜”
→ 因为是对自身的评价,所以可以。
× “因为对方很弱,我得以获胜”
→ 主观负面评价对局者对方,所以不可以。
- 对于针对公开物所投稿的评论,与对局者的中伤管理等同样,公开者负有管理责任。尤其是进行视频直播时,请作为注意事项明确标记在画面中。(例如:禁止对于对局者的恶语评论等)
- 可公开的对象信息仅限于5.2所标记的项目。发言者请避免擅自公开对局室聊天内容。公开视频时,请尽量或者将聊天画面置于拍摄范围之外,或者事先告知参加者等。
- 以营利为目的对81道场棋谱等公开·使用时,请事先进行协商。
6. 免责
7. Privacy Policy
By using 81Dojo, you agree to the following privacy policy. For EU users, the user can and should compare this policy with GDPR criteria, but takes full responsibility in making decision whether to agree to the following policy and use 81Dojo.
7.1 Personal information collected by the site
- User nickname and country: User is required to present these information at the time of registration, which will then be public in the game result database.
- Email address: Email is needed for account confirmation as well as receiving notification while using various features. It will never be open to third party.
- Password: User needs to set a password for logging in. The password is irreversibly encrypted and securely stored in the server.
- Other network connection logs: Part of network connection information such as IP address, connection time, browser environment, etc. will be stored in server for the purpose of preventing illegal access. It will never be open to third party.
- Other information presented by user: There are other information that user may present on his/her discretion while using various features of our site such as tournament information, posting to forum, club information, contact form, etc. These will be open to most suitable degree of publicity according to the evident purpose of each features. (eg. club forum -> open to only club members, contact form -> only the user him/herself)
7.2 81Dojo will properly and securely manage the private information collected from users, and will never disclose these to third parties except for the following cases.
- Prescribed conditions described in Clause 7.1
- When the user's clear consent is obtained
- When required by law
- When user commits particularly serious illegal acts to 81Dojo, and 81Dojo concludes that a legal action is needed
7.3 End of use of private information and its deletion
- When terminating the use of 81Dojo permanently, the user can permanently disable the possibility of logging in to his/her account.
- However, since the relation between "user nickname and country" and "game information" are the basis of the open game result database of 81Dojo, they will remain associated.
- After permanently disabling the login, the user can particularly ask to delete some of the game results such as win and loss counts. However, since kifu and game information is owned by two players, both users's consent is required to delete them.
- Additionally, for the purpose of preventing nuisance user to 81Dojo, same email cannot be used for future registration again. Therefore the email address itself remains in server as a once-used one. For the same purpose, connection information such as IP address will be kept stored for a specific period.