Please check if your mail server or spam filter is blocking e-mail from 81Dojo, and apply for re-sending confirmation in Web System.
Please access the "WebSystem" (If you are logged in, you need to logout first), and you will find a form to request a resetting of the password.
The cause should be one of the following:
1. You have not activated your account (= Email confirmation) In this case you see the error message "Account not activated yet".
2. Your connection is blocked by firewall. (81Dojo game app tries to connect to ports 843 and 4080~4089 of remote hosts.)
3. Your account is being banned. Please carefully check our "Terms of Use".
4. The game server is down.
Banning of account takes place only when the user has violated the Terms of Use in such a way that the user himself is clearly aware.
If you believe you are banned and want to recover access, please contact the administrator by mentioning the violation and how the situation will be improved in the future. If the cause of the ban is wrong or no cause is mentioned, your inquiry will not be seen to.
Changing of email address cannot be done on WebSystem. Please use Contact Form to inform the new address and request the change. Then a confirmation email will be sent to your new address, which look similar to the one at the time of registration. By completing this confirmation, your email will be updated.
No procedure is needed. Please simply stop using. You should also check our privacy policy again. Thank you for having used 81Dojo.
Please send us a screenshot via e-mail.
Please send us information about the user.
Please send us information to identify the game record. Please tell us which move is the problem in what sense.
When the opponent's timer is in "Delay", one of you or the opponent has a problem with his connection. The opponent sees your timer being in "Delay" too. (This mechanism is always the case, even in other online sites as well.)
The one who had the connection problem is always the one who actually loses the game with time-out. When you have lost the game, you should search the kifu to understand the reason before sending complaints. You will see your last move not appearing in the kifu (due to your connection problem when sending the move), or the opponent's last move being recorded which you had not seen while playing (due to your connection problem when receiving the move).
Non-rated games do not count. Rated games played between two new players (players who have not finished 5 rated rated games so far) do not count either.
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